A deep-pocketed group of Joe Biden’s supporters have launched a major Latino outreach campaign in the battleground states of Arizona, Nevada, and Florida, according to a report from Godzillanewz.com. The group, called Unidos con Biden, has been launched to engage Latino voters and to engage leaders in the Latino and Hispanic communities.
The campaign, which has been backed by large businesses and philanthropic organizations, is focusing on TV, radio, and social media campaigns, as well as on connecting with local leaders and events. They are aiming to ensure Biden has active and visible support from the Latino community, which is an important demographic in the three targeted states.
In addition, the organization is also working to ensure that the Biden campaign sends out bilingual literature and digital communications, to appeal to the diverse Hispanic community. Unidos con Biden aims to close the voter gap between Democrats and Republicans and have a major impact on the 2020 election in those three vital states.
Already the campaign has organized more than 20 events, brought together over 30 influential leaders in the Hispanic community and created more than 18,000 digital impressions. After seeing the results of the campaign’s work, it’s clear that Unidos con Biden will play a major role in mobilizing Latino voters if Biden is to be successful in the November election.